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Resources to help
you CONQUER those exams!

Image by 🇨🇭 Claudio Schwarz | @purzlba


While finishing my iGCSE course online, I felt immense pressure and was overwhelmed by the workload and the sudden transition from in-person learning to online learning. After witnessing others experience the same struggle, I decided to pool my iGCSE notes, resources and notes so that it is available to those who want to use it. 

Video links  Notes 
Revision tips 

 Experiences   MoMo

Motivation    Combatting procrastination  

Mental health

Image by XPS

Just because it's not easy doesn't mean it is impossible

The purpose of this website is simply to provide you with notes, resources and anything that will help you achieve your academic goals. I have always believed knowledge should be shared freely and so I have provided access to my notes, PowerPoints and other resources that helped me excel in my iGCSEs, hoping they would be of some help in helping you excel too. 

I think it is important to remember that exams only test a certain type of intelligence and not getting the top grades doesn't mean that you are anything less than. It just means that the system isn't designed for you. These exams are difficult, however, with a certain amount of hard work and dedication, I'm sure you will get the grades you deserve. 

Hope this helps!


Sending love and support via your screen,




These websites helped me so much during my iGCSEs!

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